Call us for skunk control!
Nobody and I mean nobody likes to have the smell of skunks and we have the solution to your Kansas City Skunk problem. We know how to get rid of skunks. We trap Kansas City Skunks and remove Kansas City Skunks. We are the only Kansas City Skunk trapper that you need to call.
Please remove any chance that one of your pets may encounter the skunk.
The best way to prevent an encounter with skunks is a good offense by following these guidelines:
1.Do a visual inspection of your property and eliminate any denning sites. Close off all areas with hardware mesh cloth and bury it 1 1/2 -2 feet deep to prevent digging.
2. Keep your trash cans sealed with lids that close or keep them out of reach by any wildlife.
3. Never feed your pet or any stray animal outdoors. Feeding outdoors encourages both rats and mice to also inhabit your property and will attract raccoons and squirrels.
4. Don’t litter your property with any junk, like old cars, lumber or firewood unless you can keep them stored in a place to prevent a skunk from digging in and creating a den habitat.
5.If you encounter skunk do not provoke them either leave them alone or call in a professional. Don’t try disturbing them by using any harassment techniques such as the use of any noise or aggressive actions and for the record their is no repellents that work to remove them and this includes moth balls or moth ball flakes. These measures actually may cause the offending animal to spray again and make the situation worse then it already was.
If your dog or cat has been sprayed by Kansas City Skunk please read the following:
I had a neighbor while growing up that had a dog who had cornered a skunk on the property and she ran out with a broom to stop the encounter and ended up both her and her dog were sprayed with that ever memorable odorous yellow liquid that seemed to just linger on for days.
Remedies that don’t work! One of the most popular old wives tales is tomato juice which actually just gives you a smelly pet and a waste of your time and tomato juice.
In a plastic bucket or similar container, mix the following ingredients very well:
1 quart of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide- Most Hydrogen peroxide is sold by the pint so you will probably need two bottles.
1/4 cup of baking soda-NaHCO3-Sodium Bicarbonate Note: Make sure you are using Baking Soda and never washing soda since the alkalinity of washing soda (sodium carbonate) is very powerful and will actually cause burning of your skin and any membranes it comes into contact with 1 to 2 teaspoons liquid soap-Soft Soap, Ivory or Dawn Dish Soap work very well and I recommend them!
1. Very large pets often require an additional quart of lukewarm tap water to ensure complete coverage of your pet.
2. Wash pet your thoroughly, working the solution deep into the fur. Let your nose be your guide, and simply leave the remedy solution on for about 5 minutes or until the odor is gone. Some areas may require a “rinse and repeat” washing.
3. Skunks usually aim for the face but try to keep the solution out of the eyes – it stings. If you have any cuts on your hands you might want to wear latex or rubber gloves for the same reason.
4. After treatment, thoroughly rinse your pet with tepid tap water.
5. Pour the any remaining spent solution down the drain with running water. You can cause injury by trying to store it since the solution will actually build up pressure while stored and can cause serious injuries.
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